The Fellas:
Some say Kyle is p cool.
Most don’t.
Much like the phoenix he adopted for his multiplayer persona, you just can’t keep Shaun down. Whether it be a giant rat infestation, a car that never works or being forced to watch the Lord of the Rings extended editions he meets all obstacles with a smile and a joke. He created the Nerdy Thursday podcast and operated dutifully until Kyle reached out asking for his assistance with Experience Grind and just like Shaun and the Phoenix, you haven’t heard the last of Nerdy Thursday He wears his heart on his sleeve and it’s a pretty big heart! If Shaun likes something, you’ll know it. If Shaun hates something, YOU’LL know it.
Favorite Genres
1. Mystery / Whodunnit
2. Psychological Thriller
3. Heist
4. Horror
5. Coming of Age (the “Adventure” slice of that pie)
1. Hero Shooters
2. Roguelikes
3. Card/Deck Builders
4. Roguelike Card/Deck Builders
Ryan was the original host for Experience Grind but took an extended leave of absence to, as he puts it, “Take care of something.” We don’t like to ask what that “something” was because when you do his one good eye gets glassed over as he stares into his damaged memories and only mutters under his breath “Time warps…” and “the ultimate evil…” before regaining his senses and melting something with his laser eye. Oh yea, he has a laser eye now. …and a cyborg arm.
Favorite Genres
1. Capeshit
2. Magical Realism Dramas
3. Arthouse Indie
4. Body Horror
5. Buddy Comedy
1. JRPG’s
2. Music and Rhythm
3. Every Dynasty Warrior
4. Platformers
5. Simulation/Visual Novels
Dave is a natural speaker and the apex of consummate host. The man loves film, and he is passionate about it! He brings a knowledge, insight and jaded disdain that only years working behind the scenes of the film industry can forge. He started The Caped Podcasters with Bryan before transitioning it into Beer Me A Movie. He brings knowledge, drive and dedication to the group as well as a grasp of marketing that would make Don Draper blush.
Fun Dave fact: He is the exact PERFECT height to play Spider-Man on the big screen.
Favorite Genres
1. Classics (Movies your dad thinks are old)
2. Foreign Films (Movies your dad is afraid of)
3. B-Movies (Movies your dad thinks are stupid)
4. Sports Flicks (Movies you can watch with your dad)
5. War Films (Because he IS a dad)
1. Multiplayer Co-ops
2. Board games (more like BORED games amiright?)
3. Real Time Strategy
If you ask anyone on the entire planet who is the nicest person they have ever met. The unanimous answer the world over is Bryan. With that niceness comes a brutal honesty that is somehow never hurtful but always truthful, a skill honed over years of co-hosting with Dave and his famous temper. Did you know that the scene at the end of Spartacus where everyone stands up to proclaim that they are Spartacus was actually based on the real-life exploits of Bryan during the Roman empire? Oh yea, did we mention he’s immortal?
Favorite Genres
1. Capeshit
2. Heists, baby
3. Romcoms
4. Comcoms
5. Time Fuckery
1. Retro Platformers
2. Puzzle
3. Party Games
4. Beat ‘em ups
5. Racing