
Well like all good things #StonerMovieSeptember must come to an end, our final episode this year covers a listener request and as a special treat for making us watch this movie we asked the listener who requested it to be a guest as well! Join as we sit down with our good friend Phil to talk about the 1998 ensemble movie “Homegrown” did on of the hosts cll this movie “So fucking stupid!”? Listen and find out!

Everybody Wants Some

Kyle and Ryan get together to talk about “Everybody Wants Some” the spiritual successor to the Richard Linklater film “Dazed and Confused” the key difference is this movie is set in college during the 1980’s. They talk about college parties, astrological signs and talkin’ sports to fit in.


It’s Friday my dudes, which means we’re talking about the second movie in #StonerMovieSeptember “Friday” Starring Ice Cube and Chris Tucker. We talk for a long while about this move and what makes it so special and such an appealing film to everyone who has ever seen it. Bye Felica!

Grandma’s Boy (#StonerMovieSeptember)

It’s everyone’s favorite holiday, Stoner Movie September! We are kicking this years festivities off with “Grandma’s Boy” from 2006. Does this film hold up or is it more like a bag of dried up dirt weed you find under your bed? Let’s listen and find out together! (Well not us we recorded it, we already know how it ends…)