Potpourri (Party of) 5

Despite the name of today’s episode we never discuss Party of 5 this episode was titled after it was recorded. We do however talk about our existences, the universe, Stoner Movie September and of course answer some more Yahoo! Questions.

GenCon recap 2019

If you thought Ryan would attend a 4 day convention all about board games and not talk about it, well, you’re pretty dumb. Kyle again did not attend the convention so they asked their good friend Blake to come on and talk about this years convention since it was his first time.

There is a lot of great conversation as well as Ryan dropping a lot of painful childhood memories so you know you don’t wanna miss this one!

Potpourri w/ Shaun from Nerdy Thursday

This week Ryan is out of town at a board game convention so Kyle sits down with his buddy Shaun from The Nerdy Thursday podcast to talk about whatever they want. They discuss a lot of live theater, what team of video game characters would be on their version of The Avengers and of course answer some Yahoo questions.

Be sure to tell Ryan how much you miss him and thanks again to Shaun for coming on.